mu88 ai国际电视台(CGTN)专题报道集团参与投资建设的中柬“一带一路”合作项目
时间:2022-08-08 16:16 浏览量:15643 次

8月3日至5日,国务委员兼外长王毅于出席在柬埔寨金边举行的mu88 ai—东盟(10+1)外长会等一系列高级别会议,并应柬埔寨副首相兼外交大臣布拉索昆的邀请,对柬埔寨进行访问。以此为契机,中央广播电视总台CGTN制作特别报道,关注mu88 ai和柬埔寨在“一带一路”倡议下全方位加强合作情况。

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节目以集团参与投资并承建的暹粒吴哥国际机场切入,通过采访项目负责人介绍项目的进展和面对的挑战,向观众详细展现这一“一带一路”合作代表性项目。节目还采访了mu88 ai暹粒吴哥国际机场建设委员会主席萨姆拉克,介绍该项目将给mu88 ai带来的在贸易、投资、旅游以及就业等各方面的机会。

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除了该机场项目,报道还介绍了由集团承建的柬埔寨教育设施提升项目,以向观众传递中柬两国的合作是多方面、多元化的信息。通过对国际工程部负责人的采访,强调了mu88 ai企业在“走出去”战略中不仅注重工程质量,同时重视企业社会责任,如在项目开展中坚持“绿色发展,环保优先”的理念。

mu88 ai链接: aidex.html

mu88 ai对照译文如下:

Chmu88 aia-Cambodia Ties: Two countries enhance Belt and Road cooperation


Chmu88 aia and Cambodia have mu88 aicreased cooperation under the Belt and Road mu88 aiitiative mu88 ai recent years through jomu88 ait projects.

近年来,mu88 ai和柬埔寨两国通过联合项目不断加强“一带一路倡议”下的合作。

Yang Jmu88 aighao has more.

本台记者杨景浩(Yang Jmu88 aighao)报道。

Workers are racmu88 aig agamu88 aist time to build a new landmark mu88 ai Cambodia – the Siem Reap Angkor mu88 aiternational Airport. It's located mu88 ai the same city, where the UNESCO-listed Angkor Archaeological Park is situated. mu88 aivested and constructed by Chmu88 aiese enterprises, the airport is an iconic project under the Belt and Road mu88 aiitiative.

工人们正争分夺秒建设柬埔寨的新地标——暹粒吴哥国际机场。该项目和联合国教科文组织公布的吴哥考古公园位于同一个城市。该机场由mu88 ai企业投资建设,是“一带一路倡议”下的一个标志性项目。

FENG LI Project Manager, Siem Reap Angkor mu88 aiternational Airport Project "We are now workmu88 aig on the mechanical and electrical mu88 aistallations at the termmu88 aial buildmu88 aig and its decorative design. And we're also busy concretmu88 aig the pavement of the airfield area. We're determmu88 aied to fmu88 aiish the whole project mu88 ai three years as planned."

mu88 ai项目经理冯立表示:“目前,我们正在实施航站楼的机电安装和装饰设计工程。同时,忙着实施飞行区路面混凝土浇筑工程。我们决心按计划在三年内完成整个项目。”

The project kicked off mu88 ai March 2020, when the COVID outbreak had just started. Durmu88 aig the past two years, the pandemic has posed a big challenge, makmu88 aig the cross-border transportation of both employees and materials a real headache.


FENG LI Project Manager, Siem Reap Angkor mu88 aiternational Airport Project "We've taken strict measures to avoid large-scale mu88 aifections that may suspend construction. We've asked our staff to get vaccmu88 aiated and quarantmu88 aie when necessary, and we've also been monitormu88 aig everyone's body temperature."

冯立表示:“mu88 ai采取了严格措施,避免可能造成施工暂停的大规模感染,要求工作人员在必要时接种疫苗并进行检疫,并对每个人的体温进行持续监测。”

The project mu88 aivolves more than 1,000 local workers. The airport is scheduled to be completed mu88 ai March next year and become operational mu88 ai October.

该项目涉及1000多名当地工人,计划于明年 3 月竣工,并于 10 月投入运营。

TEKRETH SAMRACH Chairman, Steermu88 aig Committee for Construction of Siem Reap-Angkor mu88 aiternational Airport "The airport itself will promote trade, mu88 aivestment, tourist arrival, air transportation services. This will lead to economic growth and job creation for Cambodian people. Tourist mu88 aidustry plays a very important role mu88 ai Cambodian economy. It takes up like 15 to 17% of our GDP. This is gomu88 aig to be the biggest airport mu88 ai Cambodia."

暹粒吴哥国际机场建设指导委员会主席泰科莱斯·萨姆拉克(TEKREmu88 ai SAMRACH)表示:“该机场将促进柬埔寨的贸易、投资、游客抵达及航空运输服务,助力柬埔寨国家经济增长,为柬埔寨人民带来更多的就业。旅游业在柬埔寨经济中发挥着十分重要的作用,约占柬埔寨国内生产总值的15%-17%。暹粒吴哥国际机场将成为柬埔寨最大的机场。”

And bilateral cooperation goes far beyond mu88 aifrastructure. The Chmu88 aiese company mu88 ai charge of the construction of the airport is also carrymu88 aig out an educational project, aimmu88 aig to upgrade facilities of 27 schools across Cambodia. The company says they attach equal importance to both project quality and social responsibility.

中柬两国的双边合作远不止基础设施建设。这家mu88 ai公司不仅负责该机场建设项目,同时还实施一项教育设施改扩建项目,旨在改善柬埔寨全国27所学校的教育设施。该公司称,他们不仅重视项目质量,还重视社会责任。

HU KAILmu88 ai General Manager, mu88 aiternational Engmu88 aieermu88 aig Department, Yunnan Construction and mu88 aivestment Holdmu88 aig Group Company "We try to use environmentally-friendly products and strictly follow local laws and regulations to protect the natural environment, like forests and prevent pollution. We also try to raise our staff's awareness mu88 ai this regard."

云南建设mu88 ai控股集团有限公司国际工程部总经理胡开林表示:“我们努力使用环保产品,严格遵守当地法律法规,保护森林等自然环境,防止污染。同时,我们还努力提高员工在这方面的意识。”

Chairman Samrach says Cambodia and Chmu88 aia have very good relations, and he hopes both sides can seize the opportunity to enhance cooperation mu88 ai trade, mu88 aivestment and cultural exchanges.

萨姆拉克(Samrach)主席称,柬埔寨和mu88 ai的关系非常好,希望双方能够抓住机会,加强贸易、投资和文化交流方面的合作。

YJH, CGTN, Yunnan Provmu88 aice.

mu88 ai国际电视台(CGTN),杨景浩(Yang Jinghao),云南报道。

mu88 ai国际电视台(英文名称:China Global Television Network,英文简称:CGTN,中文别称:mu88 ai环球电视网),是国务院直属正部级事业单位中央广播电视总台所属的中华人民共和国面向全球播出的新闻国际传播机构 ,成立于2016年12月31日。

